Recruiting Process

The DCS recruiting methodology is a proprietary process we follow to deliver the perfect person at the perfect time for the perfect value. Our strategic recruiting process, combined with personalized service and an intense focus on understanding the requirements, enables us to consistently deliver success.

How We Work?

Understand Your Business

As a first step in the DCS recruiting process, we take the time to understand your business, staffing needs, and unique work environment and culture. Our "seek first to understand" mindset enables us to hit the ground running with the ideal candidate search.

Search Ideal Candidate

Many staffing providers source candidate resumes from job boards which often results in the submittal of unqualified candidates and lengthens the time to fill a position. We know that the best candidates are often not on the job boards. We also know that leveraging our referral network is a more effective strategy, and we have the reach and expertise to recruit the people who fit your cultural and technical environment.

Screening and Selection

Customers frequently waste their time reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates that are not thoroughly screened to ensure they are a quality fit. Our screening and selection stage is one of the most thorough in the industry. DCS understands that your time is valuable, and that's why we screen every resume, host face-to-face interviews, conduct technical assessments, and perform detailed reference checks prior to presenting candidates to you.

Retaining Talent

Retaining good talent is critical in managing a successful business. We have a formal process to ensure that your candidate isn't going to be lured into another opportunity. We consistently communicate with our clients and professionals to enable candidate productivity and focus.

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